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Did you catch Julia Bradbury’s Walks with a View on ITV? It showed Julia walking from Symondsbury (the next village on the way to Bridport), up the iconic Colmer’s Hill and along the Holloways to North Chideock. Thereafter, she traversed up to the village of Morcombelake to the heather-clad high point at Hardown Hill.

Julia then continued across the beautiful Dorset landscape with the steep incline up Golden Cap, the highest point on the South Coast, and she is rewarded with the spectacular 360 degree views across the beautiful West Dorset coast and countryside. Her walk finishes with a well earned pint of cider with fish and chips at the Anchor Inn, Seatown, a must for any visitor to the area.

All the above is walkable from Greenwich Cottage. However, you might want to hop on the bus just for a couple of stops up the road to Symondsbury in order to avoid walking along the busy A35 road. Don’t forget to pop into Symondsbury Kitchen before you start …. or you could reverse the walk and end up there for a lovely cuppa and browse around the lovely Manor Yard shops there too.

For more details and the exact route for the three hill walk, The Outdoor Guide describes it well and you an even download their App with the details.
